Maree Strange
Omnis Cura Natural Therapy and Meditation

Maree Strange

Omnis Cura opened in 1996. During this time Maree has helped people navigate through pain, trauma, life lessons, and illness with compassion, and to redirect the body, mind and soul to a state of homeostasis which brings balance of vibration or the state of wellbeing and health. Maree loves to share, in her private and group sessions, tools that can help people manage their own self-healing to own their freedom of movement, peace of mind, health and joy in their lives. This creates happier people, relationships, home and community.

She has composed a breathing guide to increase your nitric oxide naturally. Contact Marine Strange

Sessions can be created in person or through Zoom.

  • Chartered Natural Therapies Practitioner
  • YogaNZ 500 hours
  • Diploma in Remedial Massage – 2500 hours
  • Level 5 nursing
  • Diploma in Aromatherapy – 2500 hours
  • Diploma in Natural Healing Sciences – 1500 hours
  • Certificate in Bowen Therapy – Fascial KineticsĀ 
  • Esoteric and Yogic studies since 1998
  • Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra 150 hours
  • Meditation and Pranayama 150 hours